

Innovation ecosystems and networks

Digitalization events

Face-to-face/virtual conferences for the exchange of good practices.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Awareness events

Ecosystem of work between collaborating experts and SMEs (science-business) interested in digital transformation/digitisation
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Public spaces

Spaces for the organisation of events (of all kinds) - Alcobendas..
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Local business promotion

Promote innovation in the traditional trade sector...
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Coworking Space

It is an Entrepreneurship Centre for business innovation and transformation of business models in the city of Alcobendas...
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Open innovation platform

From StartUp Alcobendas the City Council encourages those entrepreneurial initiatives that bring innovation in the preferential sectors of the city,...
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago


Digital networking to consolidate the CID ecosystem.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

DIH representation

Participation and representation of the IDC at meetings and conferences.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago


Provision of soft landing services to companies, SMEs and startups seeking to join the CID ecosystem.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago


Participation in international meetings on behalf of the CID, in which SMEs and start-ups will also be represented.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago