

Testing and experimentation

Provision of skills – Facilities and laboratories

Coworking spaces in the ZENIT building for the development of IHL innovation projects.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Provision of skills – Algorithms and software

Sale, lease or payment for use of algorithms, software, hardware, infrastructure or any other technological capability.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Technical support for scaling up

Specific Experimental Research Support Services (SEGAINVEX).
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Technical support for scaling up

Technological proof of concept service...
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Technical support for scaling up

Technological proof of concept service.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Applied investigation

Participation in specific development and innovation projects.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Applied investigation

Carrying out contractual research activities.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Basic investigation

The idea is to carry out research projects in which UAM experts can contribute knowledge in the area of smart cities and digital technologies.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Digital maturity

InNorMadrid, through #MadridNorteDigital, we analyse the situation of SMEs and provide advice through experts specialised in digital transformation and digitisation.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago

Net deseign solutions

The NETWORK SOLUTION DESIGN consultancy service: adapts the best technology on the market according to the requirements and needs of the end client.
Written by Intelligent Urban Lab Updated 3 years ago